Inclusive and Sustainable Mobility Transition in Stuttgart
The energy transition in the mobility sector is essential for a sustainable future. However, every actor seems to shift responsibility onto others, creating a "triangle of inaction." How can we overcome this state of inaction? How can actors collaborate to build a better future together? Our trip to Stuttgart provided a wonderful opportunity to discuss this issue with key players in the territory and to share their perspectives in a podcast titled "Inclusive and Sustainable Mobility Transition in Stuttgart." Enjoy listening, and we encourage you to share your own experiences as well!
The energy transition in the mobility sector is essential for a sustainable future. However, every actor seems to shift responsibility onto others, creating a "triangle of inaction." How can we overcome this state of inaction? How can actors collaborate to build a better future together? Our trip to Stuttgart provided a wonderful opportunity to discuss this issue with key players in the territory and to share their perspectives in a podcast titled "Inclusive and Sustainable Mobility Transition in Stuttgart." Enjoy listening, and we encourage you to share your own experiences as well!